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A couple dancing from dance manual with caption, 'Dancing made easy'
此圖取自1922年,一本名為輕鬆跳舞(Dancing made easy)的舞蹈指導手冊

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美妙的華爾滋 (Waltz)


華爾滋的基本形式(您可以參見圖中正在跳舞的雙人),男人把一隻手臂放在女人的腰部周圍,而女人則把她的另一隻手放在他的肩上 。然後,他們沿著身體的側面,伸長他們的另一隻手臂並交握雙手。假如某人試著教導您正式的舞蹈類型,他 (她) 也許會從華爾滋開始。您曾試過像這樣跳舞嗎?

Some dances gain more popularity than others because they can be performed to different kinds of music and the steps change accordingly. One such dance is the waltz.

There is a basic form for the waltz, which you can see in this drawing of a dancing couple. The man places one arm around the woman's waist and she places her opposite hand on his shoulder. Then, they stretch their other arms out from their bodies and clasp hands. If someone tries to teach you a formal kind of dancing, chances are your teacher will start with the waltz. Have you ever tried to dance like this?

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