早期的霹靂舞 (Break
歌舞雜耍表演 (Vaudeville
dancing) 也從體操和特技動作中借了不少舞步,但在1920年代前,劇場舞蹈也包含了小踏步及更多我們視作舞步 (dance
steps) 的動作;電影三個跳躍的英國兵 (Three
Jumping Tommies) 一開場即出現三個身著英國軍服的特技演員,不停的表演後空翻、側翻及翻跟斗等動作,而且各項驚險動作之間,他們也會表演小小的曳步舞 (shuffle
dance) 和少許快速旋轉;他們也在堆積的桌子上表演一些驚險動作;這些動作讓您想起什麼?是否想到了馬戲團?
Vaudeville dancing borrowed a lot from gymnastics and acrobatics, but by the 1920s, theatrical dancing also included a little tap and more of what we consider "dance steps." This film of the "Three Jumping Tommies" opens with three acrobats in British military uniforms performing backflips, cartwheels, and somersaults. In between all the stunts, they do a little shuffle dance and a few twirls. They also perform some stunts with stacked tables. What does that remind you of? How about the circus?
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