紐澤西 (New
Jersey) 通過憲法:1787年12月18日
在18世紀時,紐澤西因為擁有許多肥沃的土壤,而得到「花園之州」的暱稱。但是在接下來的兩個世紀裡,農地大多轉變成為都市工業用地。除了出口貨物到世界各地之外,紐澤西也是一個受歡迎的觀光旅遊地點。長達125英里的海岸線,帶著沁涼的海風,都吸引著都市居民到這裡度假。1800年代,許多休假者湧進位在長枝海濱 (Longbranch) 以及五月岬 (Cape
May) 的度假村裡,葛蘭特總統也是其中之一。而亞特蘭大市的木板路也吸引了來自世界各地的觀光客。
New Jersey gained its nickname of the "Garden State" in the 18th century, because it had so much rich and fertile soil. But over the next two centuries, farmland has given way to urban industry. In addition to exporting goods all over the world, New Jersey is also a popular tourist destination. One hundred twenty-five miles of coastline with cool ocean breezes tempt city dwellers to vacation here. President Grant was among the vacationers in the 1800s who flocked to resorts at Longbranch and Cape May. Open in 1870, the famous Atlantic City Boardwalk continues to draw visitors from all around the world.
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