一群快樂的人享受紐澤西州亞特蘭大市的沙灘與遊戲 (1900)
紐澤西 (New
Jersey) 通過憲法
他的暱稱是「花園之州」 (Garden
State) ,同時也是美國發展最完善且最工業化的州之一。除了有知名的沙灘與在亞特蘭大市主辦美國小姐的活動外,他還出口貨物到世界各地。這是那個地方呢?在西元1787年12月18日通過憲法,紐澤西成為繼達拉威爾與賓州第三個加入聯邦的成員。這個多元的州有著相當長的歷史。在美國獨立革命之前,紐澤西本是約克公爵 (Duke
of York) 的土地。在1676年被分隔成不同的部分,交由不同的管理人管理,後來更多次的分割,直到1702年4月安妮皇后 (Queen
Anne) 在位的時候,才又重新結合在一起,交由一個省長來管理。
It is nicknamed the "Garden State," and yet it is one of the most developed and industrialized states in America. Famous for its beaches and for hosting the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City, it also exports manufactured goods around the world. What state is it? Approving the Constitution on December 18, 1787, New Jersey became the third state to join the Union, following Delaware and Pennsylvania. This diverse state has a long history. Prior to the American Revolution, New Jersey was part of the original land grant to the Duke of York. It was divided up among different caretakers in 1676, and divided again and again until Queen Anne, in April 1702, reunited the land into one province with one governor.
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