愛諾克‧布魯克斯 (Enoch
Brooks) 在做工精細的象形文聖經 (Hieroglyphick
Bible) 上簽名
這本精美象形文聖經是伊賽雅‧湯瑪斯 (Isaiah
Thomas,1749-1831。他不是最近那個籃球明星) 所做的65本童書之一。湯瑪斯從學徒時期就開始學習製作印刷。當他17歲的時候,因為已經有一身的好功夫,別人都認為他是一位相當優秀的印刷工人。在他的職業生涯裡,湯瑪斯出版了許多暢銷的兒童或成人書籍。而湯瑪斯的的印刷技巧也成為促使美國獨立的原因之一。他是怎麼做到的呢?
A Curious Hieroglyphick Bible is one of 65 children's books printed by Isaiah Thomas (1749-1831) (not the same Isaiah Thomas who was a recent basketball star). Thomas learned about printing as a young apprentice. By the time he was 17, others considered him an excellent printer in his own right. Over the course of a long career, Thomas published numerous popular titles for children and adults. Thomas also made a stand for American independence with his printing skills. How did he do this?
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