愛諾克‧布魯克斯 (Enoch
Brooks) 在做工精細的象形文聖經 (Hieroglyphick
Bible) 上簽名
你對這本「稀奇」的書有什麼看法?這些書頁是翻印自1788年在美國發行的精美象形文聖經 (Curious
Hieroglyphick Bible) 一書。在當時,「稀有」 (curious) 代表做工精細的意思。這本特殊的童書是目前世界上僅剩下的四本其中之一,而這本是屬於一個叫做愛諾克‧布魯克斯的男孩所有。西元1789年3月13日,小布魯克斯在紐澤西的普林斯頓鎮上,把他的名字簽在書的封面內側上。
What do you think of this "curious" book? These pages are from A Curious Hieroglyphick Bible, printed in the U.S. in 1788. At that time, "curious" meant carefully made. This particular copy of the children's book, one of only four that exist in the world, belonged to a boy named Enoch Brooks. Young Brooks inscribed his name inside the cover on March 13, 1789, in Princeton, New Jersey.
The illustrations you see are made from woodcuts. Perhaps you've made them in art class, carving around an image on a block of wood, smearing ink on the carved picture, and pressing it to paper. This book contains nearly 500 woodcut prints, more than any other in America at the time. Who printed this curious Bible?
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