華盛頓在1789年8月7日寫了一封信提醒參議院與眾議院,希望議員們能夠通過建立美國軍隊的法律。他告訴議員們,他並不需要強調「我們國家的榮譽、安全,與福祉都和軍隊息息相關:但是就算我再三強調這點,也不應該被認為是我過度緊張。我們應該儘早關心這項議題,因為我們遲早會因為環境改變而需要軍隊。」作戰部長 (Secretary
of War) 亨利‧諾克斯 (Henry
Knox) 在國會議員面前大聲宣讀這封信,但是議員們並沒有立即採取行動。
Washington wrote a letter on August 7, 1789, to remind the Senate and the House of Representatives to create provisions for the U.S. military. He told them he didn't need to argue for an issue on which the "honor, safety and well being of our Country so evidently and essentially depend: But it may not be amiss to observe that I am particularly anxious it should receive an early attention as circumstances will admit." The Secretary of War, Henry Knox, read this aloud to the members of Congress, but they did not immediately act upon it.
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