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Jump Back in Time 獨立戰爭期間 (1764-1789)
John Adams, residence in Quincy, Massachusetts.

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艾碧該史密斯 (Abigail Smith) 在17641025日嫁給約翰亞當斯 (John Adams)

在他總統任期結束之後,亞當斯夫婦退休回到自己的家裡,度過接下來的十七個年頭。但是那並非代表亞當斯家族從此不住在白宮裡。約翰和艾碧該的兒子,約翰昆西亞當斯 (John Quency Adams) 後來成為美國的第六任總統。你知道還有其他總統的親戚也擔任過總統嗎?

After his presidential term, the couple retired to their family home, where they spent the next 17 years. But that was not the last of the Adams family in the White House. John and Abigail's son, John Quincy Adams, became the sixth president of the United States. Do you know of any other presidents whose relatives also became president?

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