艾碧該‧史密斯 (Abigail
Smith) 在1764年10月25日嫁給約翰‧亞當斯 (John
艾碧該‧亞當斯持續追蹤著這些事件,在他寫給約翰的許多信件裡,也有許多其他建立我們國家的重要紀錄。在她的先生於1774年至1783年參加大陸會議與費城的立憲會議 (Constitutional
Convention) 期間,他們夫婦倆定期會有書信往來。當艾碧該‧亞當斯在麻州昆溪市 (Quency) 的家中,以及在費城、賓州等地旅行時,亞當斯正擔任美國第一位副總統,他們彼此間也會互相寫信。在1797年,亞當斯成為美國第二任總統。
Abigail Adams kept track of these events, and many others that formed our nation in the letters she wrote to John. She and her husband corresponded with each other regularly while he attended the Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia between 1774 and 1783, and again from 1789 to 1800. They also exchanged letters when she traveled between the family home in Quincy, Massachusetts, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where John Adams was serving as the nation's first vice president before becoming its second president in 1797.
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