火車劫案的發生頻率在1870年達到高峰,不過搶匪大多集中在特定的地區。例如,雷諾兄弟專門在南印第安那州行搶,而費林頓 (Ferringtons) 一家則專門搶劫肯塔基與田納西州的火車,另外聲名狼籍的荷西‧詹姆士 (Jesse
James) 率領的幫派則沿著中西部各州行搶。
A wave of train robberies followed the Reno brothers' startling hold-up. Within two weeks, two trains were derailed and their safes were robbed. During another robbery in Indiana, an expressman aboard the train was thrown out the window before safes were emptied of $40,000.
Train robberies reached a peak in 1870, and robbers tended to stick to certain territories. The Reno brothers operated in southern Indiana. The Farringtons terrorized trains in Kentucky and Tennessee, and the infamous Jesse James gang wreaked havoc along the rails in the Midwestern states.
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