紐約人慶祝威廉斯堡橋 (Williamsburg
Bridge) 正式開放
你有沒有坐過馬車呢?你能想像在上下班尖峰時刻時,大家都是搭著馬車,而不是坐汽車過橋的情景嗎?威廉斯堡橋是為了馬匹與馬車,以及行人和腳踏車所興建的最後幾座橋之一。在1903年12月19日,紐約人慶祝威廉斯堡橋正式開放,這是第二座跨越「東河」 (East
River) 的懸浮橋。 (布魯克林橋是第一座) 。現在人們是怎麼通過這座橋的呢?
Have you ever ridden in a horse-drawn carriage? Can you imagine what it would be like to cross a bridge during rush hour with everyone in a carriage instead of an automobile? The Williamsburg Bridge was one of the last major bridges built for the horse and carriage, as well as for pedestrians and bicyclists. On December 19, 1903, New Yorkers celebrated the opening of the Williamsburg Bridge, the second suspension bridge to span the East River. (The Brooklyn Bridge was the first.) How is the bridge used today?
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