恩斯特‧海明威 (Ernst
Heimingway) 出生
海明威高中畢業後就在堪薩斯城市星報 (Kansas
City Star) 擔任記者,後來他從軍加入第一次世界大戰。因為他的視力不好,所以無法從事正常的軍事任務,於是他在義大利為紅十字會擔任救護車的駕駛員。在他受到重傷之後,被送到米蘭醫院接受治療。海明威在醫院裡和照顧他的護士墜入愛河,於是他完成了「戰地春夢」 (A
Farewell to Arms,1929) 。你知道海明威其他作品的名稱嗎?
After high school, Hemingway worked as a reporter for the Kansas City Star before signing up to fight in World War I. Unable to take up regular military duty because of a bad eye, he worked as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross in Italy. After he was badly injured, he stayed in a Milan hospital where he fell in love with his nurse, and wrote A Farewell to Arms (1929). Do you know the titles for any of Hemingway's other books?
Hemingway lived in Europe for many years. He traveled to Spain often and became a passionate fan of bull-fighting. He also wrote about bull-fighting. In 1953 The Old Man and the Sea, the story of a fisherman in a battle with a giant fish, won the Pulitzer Prize in fiction and in 1954 Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature.