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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913) 
Janet Flanner and Ernest Hemingway, both in uniform, seated reading papers at a table in the Deux Magots cafe in Paris, France.

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恩斯特‧海明威 (Ernst Heimingway) 出生

有某些書 (被認為是經典作品) 是每一個人幾乎在學校都曾看過的。有時候某本書因為寫得太好,而在完成的時候就成為經典之作。恩斯特‧海明威所寫的「老人與海 (The Old Man and the Sea) 就是一個例子。海明威生於1899721日,他的父親克雷倫斯‧海明威 (Clarence Hemingway) 醫生一定已經知道他的兒子相當特別,因為在小孩出生的時候,他走出他在伊利諾州橡樹公園家中的陽台吹著他的短號。 


There are some books--considered classics--that just about everyone reads in school. Sometimes a book is so good it becomes a classic almost as soon as it's written. One such book is The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway. When Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899, his father, Dr. Clarence Hemingway, must have known he had a special son because he stepped out onto the porch of their home in Oak Park, Illinois, and blew his cornet.

Ernest Hemingway grew up to become one of America's most respected writers, known for his sense of adventure as well as his unique writing style--spare dialogue and short, simple sentences.

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