作家史考特‧費茲傑羅 (F.
Scott Fitzgerald) 出生
費茲傑羅從學校畢業之後,他選擇進入軍隊服務。當他駐紮在雪瑞登營 (Camp
Sheridan) 的時候,他遇到了麗爾達‧莎伊瑞 (Zelda
Sayre) ,而且與她相戀。為了贏得麗爾達的芳心,費茲傑羅在1920年重寫並出版了他的第一本小說「天堂的那一端」 (The
Side of Paradise) 。這本小說反映了費茲傑羅在普林斯頓大學就讀時的時光,內容在敘述一個年輕人努力追求愛情與工作上的成就滿足。在接下來的數十年裡,雖然費茲傑羅必須面對自己的酒癮毛病,以及麗爾達的健康問題,但是費茲傑羅夫婦還是沈浸在文學上的生活與名聲。
After turbulent years of schooling, Fitzgerald joined the army. While stationed at Camp Sheridan, he met and fell in love with Zelda Sayre. To win her hand, he rewrote and published his first novel, This Side of Paradise, in 1920. The novel, reflecting his years at Princeton University, tells the story of a young man's quest for fulfillment in love and career. Over the course of the next decade and a half, while struggling to cope with the demons of his alcoholism and Zelda's emerging mental illness, the Fitzgeralds enjoyed a life of literary celebrity.
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