作家史考特‧費茲傑羅 (F.
Scott Fitzgerald) 出生
人們通常都會問小說作家這個問題:「你的角色擁有多少你的特質?」對作家史考特‧費茲傑羅,也就是大亨小傳 (The
Great Gatsby) 的作者來說,答案是「很多」。費茲傑羅於1896年9月24日出生在明尼蘇達州的聖保羅,他最為人所知的就是他對「爵士時代」 (Jazz
Age,1920年代) 的描述,而那也是他所成長的年代。史考特的名字是以遠房親戚法蘭西斯‧史考特‧凱伊 (Francis
Scot Key) 的名字來命名的,法蘭西斯也就是美國國歌「星條旗永不落」 (The
Stat-Spangled Banner) 的作者。費茲傑羅在聖保羅從小就被以美國貴族的養成方式培養長大,但是他寫作的主要動力卻來自高度浪漫的想像。
Fiction writers are often asked, "How much of you is in your characters?" For writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby, it was a lot. Born September 24, 1896, in St. Paul, Minnesota, Fitzgerald was famous for his depictions of the Jazz Age (the 1920s) in which he thrived. Named for his distant cousin, Francis Scott Key, author of "The Star-Spangled Banner," he was brought up as an American aristocrat in St. Paul, but he was also driven by a highly charged, romantic imagination.
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