攝影師佛瑞得‧都柏森 (Fred
A. Dobson) 開始拍攝電影「紐約摩天大樓」 (The
Skyscrapers of New York)
別往下看,都柏森!在1906年11月8日,攝影施佛瑞得‧都柏森登上位於百老匯與12街口的一棟未完成的摩天樓,開始拍攝「紐約摩天大樓」這部電影。「美國電影放映機與傳記公司」 (The
American Mutoscope and Biograph Company) ,也是湯瑪斯‧愛迪生電影公司的早期對手之一,出資贊助這部引人注目的電影的拍攝。這部電影的內容再描述一名建築工頭開除了一個在工地打架的工人,而憤怒的工人返回公司偷竊的故事。
Don't look down, Dobson! On November 8, 1906, cameraman Fred A. Dobson began filming "The Skyscrapers of New York" atop an uncompleted skyscraper at Broadway and 12th Street. The American Mutoscope and Biograph Company, an early rival of Thomas Edison's motion picture company, sponsored this stunt-filled melodrama. The movie tells the story of a construction foreman who fires a crew member for fighting. The angry employee turns to stealing.