士兵們沿著哈德遜河昂首闊步的走著 (西點軍校,1909)
「你有沒有高度服從紀律標準,學習與榮耀?」「有的,長官!」這是在1817年至1833年擔任西點軍校學監的西爾法那斯‧賽耶 (Sylvanus
Thayer) 所要教導其受訓軍官的規則與紀律,直到今日還繼續沿用。從西點軍校畢業之後,軍官能夠親赴戰場作戰,或者是被僱用去建造運河、道路,與鐵路,以協助美國向西部擴張。問問你的朋友和家人,看他們有沒有朋友曾經在西點軍校唸過書。問問他們的經驗。全員解——散!
Would you expect high standards of discipline, study and honor? Yes, SIR! That's what West Point teaches its officers-in-training today thanks to Colonel Sylvanus Thayer, superintendent of West Point from 1817 to 1833. The "father of the Military Academy" introduced these concepts to the cadets and trained them as civil engineers as well as soldiers. After graduation, officers could work on the battlefield or be employed constructing canals, roads, and railroads to help expand the U.S. westward. Ask friends and family if they or anyone they know attended West Point. Ask about their experiences. Company DIS-missed!
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