立——正!士兵們,列隊!在1802年3月16日,國會立法通過在西點 (West
Point) 軍事基地建立美國軍事學院,這是世界上歷史最悠久的軍事學院之一。座落在哈德遜河西岸的西點軍事基地,位在紐約以北50英里處,是美國史上運作最久的軍事基地。這個基地在美國革命戰爭時,扮演著相當重要的角色。喬治‧華盛頓將軍於1779年在此設立總部,並且極力不讓此地淪陷。你覺得西點軍校的軍事訓練是什麼樣子的呢?
Atten-TION! Fall in, Soldiers. On March 16, 1802, Congress approved legislation establishing the United States Military Academy at West Point, one of the oldest military academies in the world. The site, on the west bank of the Hudson River 50 miles north of New York City, is the oldest continuously run military post in America. It played an important role in the Revolutionary War. General George Washington made his headquarters there in 1779 and kept it from being captured. What do you think military training is like at West Point?
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