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Jump Back in Time 現代時期  (1946 - present)

A screen shot of 'Capture of Trenches at Candaba'


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美國想要防止中國遭到蘇聯、法國、德國,以及英國的控制與分割。於是,美國在西元1899年與1900年,提出了「門戶開放政策」 (Open Door Policy) ,確保所有國家都有平等權利和中國進行貿易往來。美國之所以能提出這項政策,是因為美國在1898年的美西戰爭 (Spanish-American War) 中獲勝之後,已經成為太平洋地區重要的強權國家之一。在這部湯瑪斯‧愛迪生電影公司製作的電影攻陷坎達巴戰壕 (Capture of Trenches at Candaba) 裡,你可以看到美西戰爭的部分戰況。這看起來像不像真的?

The U.S. wanted to prevent the division and control of China by Russia, France, Germany, and Great Britain. In 1899 and 1900, the U.S. established the Open Door Policy, which ensured that all nations had equal trading privileges with China. The U.S. was able to make this policy because it had become an important power in the Pacific after its victory in the Spanish-American War in 1898. In this film, made by Thomas Edison's film company, you can see a reenactment of a battle from the Spanish-American War. Does it look authentic?

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VIDEO CREDIT: White, James H., producer; Thomas A. Edison, Inc. "Capture of Trenches at Candaba." June 10.1899. The Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures, Library of Congress.