傑克森‧海恩司 (Jackson
Hanines) 是花式滑冰之父,他創造了你現在在電視上看到的花式滑冰風格。在1860年代,他把芭蕾的舞步與技巧帶進滑冰世界裡。雖然他贏得了美國男子滑冰賽冠軍,但是他這種滑冰的風格當時卻沒有受到大家的喜愛。
海恩司在1865年前往歐洲,在那裡相當受到歡迎。但是他卻在這些舞步得到注意之前,就去世了。人們把海恩司滑冰的風格稱為「國際風格」 (International Style) ,而這種風格最後也在美國普遍流行。1914年3月20日,康乃狄克州紐黑文市 (New Haven) 舉辦第一屆「國際風格」全國花式滑冰比賽。你自己有沒有專屬的滑冰風格呢?穿著一雙馴鹿肋骨做的滑冰鞋會不會有幫助?
Jackson Haines, the father of figure skating,
originated the type of figure skating you see on TV today. In the
1860s he brought ballet style and techniques to the sport. Although
he won the U.S. men's championship, his expressive style did not yet
catch on in the U.S.
Haines went to Europe in 1865 and became a popular
success but died before his style of skating caught on. Called the
"International Style," Haines's form of skating eventually
overcame resistance in the U.S., and on March 20, 1914, the first national
figure skating championships in the "International Style" were
held at New Haven, Connecticut. Have you developed your own personal style
of skating? Would a pair of reindeer rib bones help?
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