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Jump Back in Time 第一次世界大戰與爵士時代  (1914-1928)
Portrait of Billie Holiday, 1947.
淑女黛小姐演唱的神情 (攝於1947年)

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比莉‧哈樂黛 (Billie Holiday) 出生於191547

比莉哈樂黛曾與許多偉大的爵士音樂家合作,例如貝西爵士 (Count Basie) 、班尼古得曼 (Benny Goodman) 等。她也曾經在小型俱樂部、大型音樂廳,以及電影紐奧良 (New Orleans) 中表演。她甚至還自己寫歌,例如我愛我的男人 (I Love My Man) ,以及上帝庇佑孩子 (God Bless the Child) 等等。哈樂黛在紐約去世的時候,只有44歲。許多人到現在都還為淑女黛小姐的去世而感傷。你有沒有聽過比莉哈樂黛的歌聲?問問你的家人看他們有沒有聽過。

Billie Holiday worked with many jazz greats including Count Basie and Benny Goodman. She sang in small clubs, large concert halls, and the film New Orleans. She even arranged and composed her own songs such as "I Love My Man" and "God Bless the Child." Many people mourned the loss of "Lady Day" when she died in New York at the age of 44. Have you ever heard a Billie Holiday recording? Ask your family if they have.
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