1905年的美國保齡球協會巡迴賽 (現代保齡球規則已經制定了)
保齡球王唐恩‧卡特 (Don
Carter) 出生於1926年7月29日
最早是在埃及發現一個西元前3200年的孩童墓,在這個墳墓裡發現九顆石頭 (瓶子) ,以及滾向這些石頭的另外一顆石頭 (球) 。保齡球經過許多次的改進,但是這項運動一直持續受到歡迎。草地保齡球在英國是一項很受歡迎的運動。亨利‧哈得森 (Henry
Hudson) 率領的荷蘭探險家可能就把這項運動帶回美國。
保齡球在殖民時期就已經是一項很受歡迎的運動。在最初的比賽中,球是在木板上滾動的。作家華盛頓‧爾文 (Wahsington Irving) 在短篇小說李伯大夢 (Rip Van Winkle) 中就提到美國早在1819年至1820年已經開始保齡球運動了。然而,這項運動一開始卻沒有適當的規則與設備標準。一直要到19世紀末期,情況才有了改變。
Articles found in the tomb of an Egyptian child buried about 3200 B.C. included nine pieces of stone, to be set up as pins, toward which a stone "ball" was rolled. Bowling has gone through many transformations, but the sport has been around a long time. In Britain, lawn bowling is a popular sport. Dutch explorers under Henry Hudson may have brought pin bowling to America.
Bowling became a popular sport during colonial times. In early games, the ball was often rolled down a wooden plank. Author Washington Irving, in his short story "Rip Van Winkle," referred to bowling in the U.S. as early as 1819-1820. However, the sport lacked rules and equipment standards. At the end of the 19th century, things quickly changed.
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