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Jump Back in Time 第一次世界大戰與爵士時代  (1914-1928)
Pin boy in bowling alley
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保齡球王唐恩‧卡特 (Don Carter) 出生於1926729

你喜歡打保齡球嗎?唐恩‧卡特在1926729日出生於密蘇里州的聖路易 (St. Louis) ,他就很喜歡這項運動。他後來成為世界上最偉大的保齡球選手之一。卡特對保齡球的熱愛從他還是小孩子時候就開始了。在球瓶機器出現之前,他的工作就是用手排置十支球瓶。在全盛時期時,他是職業保齡球壇的球王。西元1961年,卡特成為第一位在一年內同時贏得明星賽 (All-Star) 、世界邀請賽 (World』s Invitational) 、美國職業保齡球選手協會 (Professional Bowlers Association of America, PBA) 全國大賽,以及美國保齡球協會大師巡迴賽 (American Bowling Congress Masters Tournaments) 冠軍的選手。卡特最愛的這項運動是怎麼出現的呢?

Do you like to bowl? Don Carter, born in St. Louis, Missouri, on July 29, 1926, loved the sport. He became one of the greatest bowlers of all time. Carter's fascination with bowling started when he was a child. He had a job as a pin-setter, resetting the 10 pins by hand before there were machines to do so. He went on to dominate the professional sport in its heyday. In 1961, Carter became the first bowler to win the All-Star, World's Invitational, Professional Bowlers Association of America (PBA) national championship and American Bowling Congress Masters tournaments in the same year. Where did Carter's favorite sport come from?


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