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Jump Back in Time 第一次世界大戰與爵士時代  (1914-1928)
President Coolidge on the farm, Plymouth, Vt.

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凱文‧柯立芝 (Calvin Coolidge) 於192383日成為美國總統

那些買了許多貨品的人,最後都一貧如洗。有些美國人甚至因為新的信用貸款方案,而負債纍纍。為了改正這種瘋狂購買與負債的現象,政府開始推廣「節儉運動」 (Thrift Movement) ,試著要教育美國人有關儲蓄與聰明消費的重要性。柯立芝總統也成為這個運動在新英格蘭地區的代言人,他的這幅照片在四處都可以看得到。


Those who purchased vast amounts of goods (what one critic called an "empire of things") were getting out of hand. Some Americans were getting into debt with new credit plans. In reaction to all this buying and debt, the Thrift Movement tried to educate Americans about the importance of saving and spending wisely. President Coolidge became a symbol of New England simplicity and thrift and appeared in widely seen photos like this one.

Are you a consumer? Ask your parents about the consumer economy today.

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