水牛比爾」‧寇迪 (William
「Buffalo Bill」 Cody) 等人,每75到100英里交換一個騎士,每隔10到15英里就交換
From St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, over 2,000 miles, a continual relay of the best riders and horses traveled day and night to deliver the mail. Two hundred riders, like William "Buffalo Bill" Cody, rode at a full gallop for shifts of 75 to 100 miles, changing horses every 10 to 15 miles at relief stations along the route. Some riders had to brave vast stretches of rugged terrain, icy mountain passes, and dry, hot deserts. During the summer, the trip took 10 days; in the stormy winter, 12 to 16 days--approximately half the time needed by stagecoach. Can you think of what was outdated by the telegraph system?
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VIDEO CREDIT: Armitage, Frederick S., Cameraman. "Buffalo Bill's wild west parade/American Mutoscope and Biograph Company." American Mutoscope and Biograph Company, 1902. Early Motion Pictures, 1897-1920, Library of Congress.