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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
Panoramic photo of National Cemetery, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1913

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林肯總統於18631119日發表蓋茨堡演講 (Gettysburg Address)

在林肯發表演講之前的演講人是愛德華‧愛弗瑞特 (Edward Everett) ,也是那天最受歡迎的演講人之一。他整整演說了兩個小時。但是愛弗瑞特向林肯承認:「我希望我能夠告訴我自己,我在那兩小時的演講中所表達的、能與你在兩分鐘內所要表達的理念有一點點的雷同之處。」雖然林肯認為:「這個世界對我們在這裡所說的話,也許不會特別留意,也不會永遠記住」,但是他這篇簡短的演講卻一直存留在美國人的回憶裡。你第一次聽到蓋茨堡演講是什麼時候呢?

The speaker before Lincoln, Edward Everett, was one of the most popular orators of his day. He spoke for two hours. Yet Everett admitted to Lincoln, "I wish that I could flatter myself that I had come as near to the central idea of the occasion in two hours as you did in two minutes." In spite of Lincoln's disclaimer that "the world will little note, nor long remember what we say here," his brief speech continues to echo in the American memory. Where did you first hear a line from the Gettysburg Address?

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