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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
The Craven House and Point Lookout, 1902

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「查特怒加之戰」 (Battle of Chattanooga) 於18631123日爆發了

到了1123日,湯瑪斯的軍隊襲擊佔領查特怒加與山脈之間之歐查諾布村 (Orchard Knob) 的南方聯盟軍隊。隔天,著名的「雲頂之戰」 (Battle Above the Cloud) 發生了。虎克將軍帶領他的手下在「遠望山」上獲得勝利。在克瑞芬之屋 (Craven House) 也發生了幾場血腥的衝突。到了1125日,也就是戰爭的最後一天,聯邦軍隊徹底瓦解了叛軍的防線,迫使叛軍撤退到更南方的喬治亞,進而遭到徹底的失敗,結束了內戰。

On November 23, Thomas's troops overtook Confederates occupying Orchard Knob, between Chattanooga and the mountains. The next day, in what is known as the "Battle Above the Clouds," Hooker drove his men on to victory at Lookout Mountain. Some of the bloodiest fighting took place there at Cravens House. On November 25, the last day of the battle, the Union Army crushed the Rebel line, forcing the Rebels to retreat further south into Georgia and, ultimately, to their final defeat in the Civil War.

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