「查特怒加之戰」 (Battle
of Chattanooga) 於1863年11月23日爆發了
南方聯盟位在「遠望山」 (Lookout
Mountain) 山上的指揮所、位於田納西河谷上方2千英尺的高處,叛軍對著駐紮在山下查特怒加的聯邦軍隊發射砲彈。叛軍瞄準從田納西西部運送補給物資到達當地村莊的河道與鐵道,聯邦軍隊因為遭到包圍,而且無法獲得更多補給物資,聯邦軍隊在當時看似將要被殲滅了,情況十分危急。
不過,到了10月中,在年輕將領喬治‧湯瑪斯 (George
Thomas) 少將的帶領下,聯邦軍隊的命運有了改變。不久之後,約瑟夫‧虎克 (Joseph
Hooker) 少將帶領2萬名士兵進入這個區域。而聯邦總司令尤利塞斯·格蘭特 (Ulysses S.
Grant) 將軍也隨後帶兵進入。他下令聯邦的工程師在村落的西邊架設一座浮橋,讓軍隊能夠將食物與火藥運到村落裡。當雪曼將軍率領萬6千名士兵在11月中抵達之時,聯邦軍隊已經整頓好預備作戰了。
Commanding posts at Lookout Mountain, almost 2,000 feet above the Tennessee River Valley, Confederates fired cannonballs down upon the Union troops at Chattanooga. They aimed for river and rail traffic that entered the village with supplies from Union-controlled western Tennessee. Surrounded, with no supply lines, the Union troops seemed destined to fall.
Their fate changed in mid-October with the fresh leadership of Major General George Thomas. Shortly thereafter, Major General Joseph Hooker moved into the area with 20,000 Union soldiers. Union General Ulysses S. Grant followed. He ordered Union engineers to construct a pontoon bridge west of town, giving the army access to shipments of food and ammunitions once again. When General Sherman arrived with 16,000 more men in mid-November, the Union Army was ready to fight.
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