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Explore the States 佛蒙特
map graphic, flower and images of Vermont

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1609年,法國探險家山普倫(Samuel de Champlain)發現了一個湖,遂用自己的名字命名,而他所到達的地區就是現今的佛蒙特州。佛蒙特一字源自於兩個法文字vert ()mont (),這說明了佛蒙特的綽號「綠山之州」(Green Mountain State)。獨立戰爭時,艾倫(Ethan Allen)及綠山男孩隊(Green Mountain Boys)奮力與入侵自己家鄉的英軍抗戰。佛蒙特是美國東北部新英格蘭(New England)地區的六州之一州,它於1791年加入聯邦並成為美國第14州。某部分佛蒙特州的主要產業是乳品業和觀光業。身為景色如畫的其中一州,佛蒙特每年都湧入數以百萬的遊客,前來觀看秋天的楓葉轉紅及冬天白雪暟暟的山峰。它的州花是紅花苜宿,而它的州樹是糖楓樹。佛蒙特楓糖漿是該州最愛歡迎的產品之一。

In 1609, French explorer Samuel de Champlain came upon a large lake in the area we know today as Vermont and named it after himself. The state's name comes from two French words vert (green) and mont (mountain), which explains Vermont's nickname, the "Green Mountain State." Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys defended their homeland from the British during the Revolutionary War. Vermont is one of the six New England states and became the 14th state in 1791. Some of Vermont's major industries are dairy farming and tourism. One of the most picturesque states, Vermont has millions of visitors each year who come to see the leaves turn colors in the fall and the snow-covered mountains in the winter. The state flower is the red clover and the tree is the sugar maple. Vermont maple syrup is one of the state's most popular products.

'Gathering sap from sugar trees for making maple syrup'
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