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Explore the States 佛蒙特
'Gathering sap from sugar trees for making maple syrup'

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冬天或早春的四至六星期間,農夫會自休眠中的糖楓樹或黑楓樹上採集甜汁液,他們會使用管孔小心的在樹的身上鑽孔,然後再在管孔下懸掛長嘴及提桶或較現代及普遍的工具:塑膠管。 最後,將甜汁液倒入平底鍋煮沸,藉以蒸發液體;平均每1315毫升的甜汁液只能提煉出一毫升的楓糖漿。


Do you like pancakes with maple syrup? Did you know that Vermont produces more maple syrup than any other state in the United States?

The process used to make maple syrup is essentially the same one that Native Americans first used hundreds of years ago.

For four to six weeks in the winter or early spring, farmers collect the sweet-water sap of dormant sugar maple or black maple trees. The sap is extracted through tap holes, which are carefully drilled into the trees and fitted with spouts and buckets or the more modern and common method, plastic tubing. The sweet-water sap is then boiled in pans to evaporate the liquid. The sap only yields one-thirtieth to one-fiftieth the amount of syrup as the original quantity of sap.

Maple syrup can be used to improve a number of dishes in many ways, but mostly it's used to turn pancakes and waffles into delicious treats.

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