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Explore the States 德克薩斯
Photo of four men in cowboy hats cooking outside
1952 年首次草馬車隊旅,正在烹煮食物的人為(由左至右):瓦納許(John Warnasch)、馬克斯(E. H. Marks)、佛萊賀提(Pat Flaherty)、洛基特(Reese Lockett) 

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鹽草馬車隊旅(Salt Grass Trail Ride)的歷史

您也許不認為高齡88歲的老婦人可以應付70英里的馬車隊旅程,但那正是艾莎迪門 (Atha Marks Dimon)1999年的鹽草馬車隊旅中所做的事。

藉著這趟馬車隊旅之行,艾莎跟隨著她父親多年前走過的足跡前行。19世紀時的先鋒牧畜者,會將他們的牲口自德州墨西哥灣海岸(Gulf Coast)的鹽草牧草地,趕至休斯頓並在該處放牧他們的牲口,將牠們養肥;時光飛逝,自1900年後,牧畜者改用火車代步,他們不再需要帶領牲口穿越廣大的土地。

1952年,四個前牛仔決定要重現過去的放牧生活,一群人參與了首次的鹽草馬車隊旅,其中一位前牛仔就是馬克斯(E.H. Marks)。為紀念最初的牧畜者,1999年時,馬克斯的女兒:艾莎(時年88)、艾莎的女兒雅典娜(Athene)、艾莎的孫子佛以德范漢(Boyd Vaughan)及曾孫雷根范漢(Reagan Vaughan)沿著鹽草路徑(Salt Grass Trail)前進 - 這條長70哩的路起自布拉漢(Brenham),終於休斯頓。


You might not think that an 88-year-old woman could handle a 70-mile trail ride, but that's exactly what Atha Marks Dimon did in 1999 during the Salt Grass Trail Ride in Texas.

By going on the ride Atha was following in her father's footsteps many years earlier. In the 19th century, pioneer cattlemen herded their cattle to Houston up from the salt grass pastures on the Gulf Coast of Texas, where their cattle had been grazing and fattening up. Times change, and since 1900, cattlemen have not needed to herd their cattle across the open land; instead they use trains.

In 1952, four old-time cowmen decided to stage a re-enactment and joined a group of people on the first Salt Grass Trail Ride. One of those four cowmen was E.H. Marks. In 1999, Marks's daughter, Atha Marks Dimon (at the age of 88), her daughter Athene, her grandson Boyd Vaughan, and great-grandson Reagan Vaughan, rode the Salt Grass Trail -- 70 miles from Brenham to Houston -- in memory of the original cattlemen.

The people that have gone on the trail ride include bankers, fire fighters, even middle school students. The trail ride has caught on, and now more than 6,000 riders participate.

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