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Portrait of Sam Houston

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防禦阿拉莫(Alamo)的山姆休斯頓(Sam Houston)
「記得阿拉莫」(Remember the Alamo)是一句眾所皆知的用語,您知道它的意思嗎?

曾任職於美國眾議院及田納西州長的山姆休斯頓於1832年搬到德州。 當時的德州還是墨西哥的一部分,境內因為墨西哥當局及美國的安德魯(Anglo)殖民間的緊張情勢上升,暴力衝突也一再發生。 聲明支持德州獨立的休斯頓成為殖民者的領袖,1835年,他更被選為司令官,負責帶領德州軍隊。


當休斯頓收到阿拉莫戰敗的消息時,他決定要展開為期一個月的撤退行動,希望重新編排及補充德州軍隊的兵力。 記取阿拉莫的慘烈教訓,1836421日,休斯頓的軍隊在聖哈辛特(San Jacinto)贏得勝利,快速的擊退墨西哥軍隊並讓德州獲得獨立。 不久後,休斯頓獲選為德克薩斯共和國的總統,而且在德州於1845年成為美國的一部分後,繼續身任參議員及州長。

1863年,休斯頓死於德州的亨茨維爾(Huntsville),現在那兒則立有高67英尺悼念休斯頓的紀念雕像 休斯頓將其一生貢獻給他的國家,而他最為人所知的一點則是他在德州尋求獨立時,所扮演的重要角色。

"Remember the Alamo" is a well-known phrase. Do you know what it means?

Sam Houston had already served in the U.S. House of Representatives and as governor of Tennessee when he moved to Texas in 1832. At the time he arrived, Texas was part of Mexico and the site of rising tensions and violent disturbances between Mexican authorities and Anglo settlers from the United States. Voicing his support for a separate state of Texas, Houston emerged as a leader among the settlers. In 1835, he was chosen commander in chief of the Texas army.

The Alamo was an 18th century Franciscan Mission in San Antonio, Texas, which was the location of an important battle for Texans fighting for independence from Mexico. In 1836, a small group of Texans was defeated by Mexican General Santa Anna.

When Houston received word of the defeat at the Alamo, he was inspired to begin a month-long retreat to regroup and replenish the Texas army's strength. Remembering how badly the Texans had been defeated at the Alamo, on April 21, 1836, Houston's army won a quick battle against the Mexican forces at San Jacinto and gained independence for Texas. Soon after, Houston was elected president of the Republic of Texas. He continued to serve as senator and governor after Texas became part of the United States in 1845.

Sam Houston died in 1863 in Huntsville, Texas, where a 67-foot-tall memorial statue of him now stands. After a lifetime of service to his country, the event for which he is most well known is his role in the independence of Texas.

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