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Photo of Los Matachines dancing in front of a cross
在拉裡多(Laredo)安娜街十字架前的Los Matachines舞蹈表演 

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聖克魯茲馬塔奇舞團(Los Matachines de la Santa Cruz)

照片中身穿漂亮服飾、正在跳舞的人,他們所跳的舞可回溯至一世紀前。這些舞者是聖克魯茲馬塔奇舞團(Los Matachines de la Santa Cruz)的成員之一,這個傳統的墨西哥舞團活躍於德州拉裡多(Laredo)實際上,舞團內的許多舞者都是同一家庭的人,他們代代傳承,希望延續此一存在世上已有100多年的舊有傳統。


這個舞團擅長跳一種名為馬塔奇(matachine)的宗教舞 劇,它是用來表彰天主教及其他信仰中十分重要的象徵:聖十字(Holy Cross)及聖母瑪麗(Virgin Mary)舞蹈 從將十字架自教堂上取下並放置在有輪子的戶外臺座上開始,然後開始演奏鼓及手風琴,而穿著裝飾著明亮色彩絲絨裙的舞者則在十字架前表演。當他們跳舞時,他們會隨身攜帶六吋竹(carrizos,長六英吋的竹子,會在舞者跳舞時發出獨特的樂音)這個舞蹈是傳統宗教節日的一部分,另外還包括了筵席、祈禱及展有紡織品及民俗文學藝術的展覽會。

The people wearing those beautiful costumes in the photo are doing a type of dance that has been done for more than a century. The dancers are part of "Los Matachines de la Santa Cruz," a traditional Mexican dance group that is active in Laredo, Texas. Many of the dancers are actually descendants of former dancers who are continuing this old tradition, which has existed for more than 100 years.

The group specializes in a type of religious dance-drama called matachine that honors the Holy Cross and the Virgin Mary -- important symbols for Catholics and other faiths. The dance begins by removing the cross from its normal resting spot in a chapel and placing it on a wheeled pedestal outdoors. A drum and an accordion start to play. Dancers wearing brightly decorated velvet skirts perform in front of the cross. They carry carrizos, six-inch sections of bamboo that make a unique musical sound as they dance. The dance is part of a traditional fiesta that includes feasting, prayer and displays of textiles and folk literary arts.

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