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Explore the States 田納西
A dam being built, thanks to the Tennessee Valley Authority, in 1942

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田納西河谷管理局(Tennessee Valley Authority)

大蕭條(Great Depression)時,聯邦政府進行的計劃中,最著名且最成功的一項是田納西河谷管理局或簡稱TVA您知道這個計劃的內容及為什麼要進行這個計劃原因嗎?

1930年代大蕭條時間,羅斯福總統(Franklin D. Roosevelt)規劃了許多新計劃及代理機構來幫助那些經濟受創的地區。其中一個機構就是成立於1933年的田納西河谷管理局。田納西河谷常面臨水災、森林濫伐及水土流失問題。而TVA希望藉由教導較佳的耕種方法、重新種植樹木及興建水壩來減少這些問題。這個機構另一個重要功能在負責產生及販售過剩電力、創造就業機會及保存水力。幾乎從一開始,TVA就成功的舒緩了田納西、部分肯塔基州、阿拉巴馬州、喬治亞州、北卡羅來納州及維吉尼亞州的經濟困境。

One of the most famous and successful projects begun by the federal government during the Great Depression was the Tennessee Valley Authority, or TVA. Do you know what it was and why it was started?

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, President Franklin D. Roosevelt set up many new projects and agencies to help the hardest hit areas of the United States. One such agency was the Tennessee Valley Authority, which was created in 1933. The Tennessee River valley was continually dealing with floods, deforestation, and eroded land. The TVA aimed to help reduce these problems by teaching better farming methods, replanting trees, and building dams. This agency was also important because it generated and sold surplus electricity, created jobs, and conserved water power. The TVA was a great success almost from the beginning and helped ease some of the economic hardship not only in the state of Tennessee but also in parts of Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia.

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