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Photo of Jimmie Rodgers and the Carter Family, 1931
米羅傑斯(Jimmie Rodgers)及卡特家族(Carter Family)1931

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正確答案是田納西的布里斯托(Bristol)。布里斯托位於田納西及維吉尼亞州的邊界上,此處的阿帕拉契山(Appalachian)民族音樂廣受歡迎,而且已經流傳好幾世代。當地的許多小提琴旋律及歌曲風格都來自於1700年代的不列顛群島(British Isles)

唱片工業興起於1900年代早期,但大部分的音樂家都會遠至紐約錄製他們的音樂。1927年時,勝者唱片(Victor Records)的羅夫皮爾(Ralph Peer)決定要嚐試一些不同的。他來到田納西的布里斯托錄製當地音樂家的音樂,他認為可以在布里斯托找到演奏懷舊時光及山區民歌的音樂家。當時有兩個當地的表演團體簽署了唱片合約,一為來自維吉尼亞的卡特家族(Carter Family),另一個則是來自於北卡羅來納州的前鐵路工人傑米羅傑斯(Jimmie Rodgers)。當卡特家族在演奏懷舊時光的山區音樂時,羅傑斯就負責使用一種名為約德爾調的唱腔來吟唱民歌,他們成功的打進全國市場。後來,連續好幾代的流行鄉村音樂家都以卡特家族的音樂為他們的核心音樂,而羅傑斯於1928年錄製的「藍調約德爾」(Blue Yodel)唱片成為第一張銷售百萬的鄉村唱片!


Where was country music born? If you said Nashville, you'd be wrong.

The right answer is Bristol, Tennessee. Bristol is on the Tennessee and Virginia border, where Appalachian mountain folk music has been popular for generations. Many of the fiddle tunes and song styles came over from the British Isles in the 1700s.

By the early 1900s, the recording industry had begun, but most musicians had to travel to New York City to record their music. In 1927, Ralph Peer of Victor Records decided to try something different. He went to Bristol, Tennessee, to record local musicians. He thought that old-time and "hillbilly" musicians could be found there. Two local acts signed recording contracts -- the Carter Family from Virginia and former railroad worker Jimmie Rodgers of North Carolina. While the Carter Family played old-time mountain music, Jimmie Rodgers sang ballads and used a singing style called yodeling. They both became successful nationwide. The Carter Family formed the core of several generations of popular country musicians, and Rodgers's 1928 recording of "Blue Yodel" became one of the first country records to sell a million copies!

These early Bristol recordings laid the groundwork for much of the country music that followed. Because Bristol is not usually thought of as the place where country music began, it was especially important that the U.S. Congress recognized Bristol's contribution to music history. In 1998, Congress passed a resolution recognizing Bristol as the "Birthplace of County Music."

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