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Explore the States 南卡羅來納
Photo of the front of the Dock Street Theater at 135 Church Street
135教堂街(135 Church Street)所拍攝的船塢街戲院的前景

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船塢街戲院位於南卡羅來納 州查理斯敦的市中心,它也許是該市最多人拍攝的單一景點。另外,它也是美國境內最重要的景點之一。為什麼呢?因為它是美國境內第一座,專為戲劇表演所設計的建築物。



The Dock Street Theater in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, may be the single most photographed spot in the city. It is also one of the most important in America. Why? It was the first building in America designed solely for theatrical performances.

But the theater is not the same one that opened in 1736. In 1740, the building was destroyed by fire. When another building was constructed on the site in 1809, it opened as the Planter's Hotel. When the hotel was remodeled in the 1930s, a stage and auditorium in the style of the 18th century were constructed, and the building reopened in 1937 as the Dock Street Theater.

The building now serves its original purpose, and the city of Charleston has retained an important part of its history.

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