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有些歷史學家表示,Chesnee 附近的考彭斯戰役是獨立戰爭中,一場計畫出色且贏的漂亮的戰役,而這都得感謝一名美軍將領的聰明策略;您知道戰爭的發生經過嗎?

1781117日的戰役中,陸軍將軍丹尼爾摩根(Daniel Morgan)做了兩件事:他預測英軍的可能回應,並善用英軍的錯誤致勝。戰爭進行中,他命令他的手下撤退,讓英軍以為他們打贏了這場戰役,進而決定繼續前進;然後,美軍再將英軍包圍起來,一舉殲滅。考彭斯戰役的勝利鼓舞了美軍繼續這場戰爭,進而在維吉尼亞州的約克鎮取得最後的勝利。


Some historians say that the battle at Cowpens, near Chesnee, South Carolina, was the single most brilliantly planned and fought battle of the Revolutionary War. This was thanks to a clever strategy on behalf of an American general. Do you know what happened?

During the battle, on January 17, 1781, Brigadier General Daniel Morgan did two things -- he predicted how the British would react and he took advantage of mistakes that the British troops made. At one point, he ordered his men to retreat, and the British, thinking they had won the battle, charged forward. Then, the Americans surrounded the British and defeated them. The victory at Cowpens inspired Americans to continue the war to victory at Yorktown, Virginia.

On the Fourth of July, the National Park Service celebrates at Cowpens National Battlefield with people in period costumes and demonstrations of life and battle during the Revolutionary War. It all ends with a great display of fireworks.

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