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Explore the States 羅德島州
Photo of Bella Noka, winner of Eastern Blanket Dance category, October 1999
199910Shemitzun祈禱會中,東部毛毯舞(Eastern Blanket Dance)比賽項目的世界冠軍:貝拉諾卡(Bella Noka)

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1524年,歐洲人首次接觸羅德島的印地安人,是在探險家韋拉札諾(Giovanni de Verrazano)造訪納拉甘西特灣時。他形容這些數量龐大的印地安人,是由強大的「國王群」負責管理。而歐洲人直到1635年才在此地定居。直到1675-76年的菲利普王戰爭爆發前,納拉甘西特人及歐洲人一直維持著友好關係。這場戰爭是新英格蘭地區南部的印地安人,對這些不停侵佔印地安人土地的英國移民,所進行的最後一次大規模抗爭;納拉甘西特人試著將這些英國移民趕出他們的土地,但卻徹底被擊潰。



The Narragansett Indian Tribe lived in what is now known as Rhode Island, long before Europeans settled there. The Narragansett were made up of several sub-tribes, each with a chief (sachem). They survived by farming corn, hunting, and fishing.

Europeans first came into contact with the Indians of Rhode Island in 1524, when the explorer Giovanni de Verrazano visited Narragansett Bay. He described a large Indian population organized under powerful "kings." Europeans didn't settle this area until 1635. The Narraganset and Europeans maintained good relations until King Philip's War in 1675-76. This war was the last major effort by the Indians of southern New England to drive out the English settlers who wanted more and more Indian land. But the Narragansett were completely defeated.

After the war, the remaining Narragansetts were forced to live on reservation lands, but by the end of the 18th century, the reservation lands had been drastically reduced. The state of Rhode Island "detribalized" the Narragansett during 1880-1884, which meant that they were no longer recognized as a tribe.

Over the years, the Narragansett tried to maintain their tribal customs and traditions, but it wasn't until the 1970s that they were able to reclaim part of their land and the 1980s before they received federal recognition as a tribe. It took decades, but the persistence of the Narragansett at getting back a part of what belonged to them finally paid off.

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