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Explore the States 羅德島州
Photo of people walking around outdoor art booths

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您知道羅德島的藝術家人數排名全國第一嗎?威克福德鎮每年七月所舉辦的節慶,旨在頌揚這件事。始於1962年的威克福德鎮藝術節,其重要性及規模與日俱增。 時至今日,每一年,世界各地的藝術家都彼此較勁,希望能爭取到展覽會場上的有限場地來展示他們作品;另外,展覽會也保留了一部分的場地給當地的藝術家。


Did you know that Rhode Island has more artists per person than any state in the country? The town of Wickford celebrates this fact by holding an arts festival every July. Started in 1962, the Wickford Arts Festival has grown in size and importance. Today, artists from around the world compete for the few spaces that become available each year to exhibit their wares. A percentage of the space is reserved for local artists.

About 95,000 people attend the two-day festival, which is devoted to fine art, photography, and three-dimensional art. The Wickford Arts Festival is a "juried" show; that is, if you want to exhibit your art in the festival, you must submit a sample of your work to be judged. The judges consider originality, workmanship and presentation when making their choices on who is allowed to exhibit in the show. What's your favorite type of art?

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