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Explore the States 賓夕法尼亞
Photo of a person working in a steel mill with sparks flying

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一些現代最重要的建築物,都是使用匹茲堡所生產的鋼鐵建造而成,如:布魯克林大橋、巴拿馬運河水閘、帝國大廈、洛克斐勒中心、奧克蘭海灣大橋及聯合國。二次世界大戰時,賓州西南部又名美國的「民主兵工廠」,因為它境內的工廠,日以繼夜不停的工作,為美國及其盟軍生產足夠的鋼鐵。因為手中的鋼鐵工廠,安德魯卡內基(Andrew Carnegie:請點選網站內的「美國的傳奇人物」,以取得更多相關資訊)成為世上的首富。


What American city do you think of when you think of steel?

If you answered Pittsburgh, you are right. As a major source of steel products and technology, Pittsburgh and southwestern Pennsylvania were once a powerful hub of the Industrial Age -- one that pushed the United States to world leadership as an industrial giant.

Pittsburgh steel was used to build some of the most important structures of the modern age: the Brooklyn Bridge, the Panama Canal locks, the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, the Oakland Bay Bridge, and the United Nations. During World War II, southwestern Pennsylvania became known as America's "Arsenal of Democracy," because its mills were working around the clock to make enough steel for America and its allies. Andrew Carnegie (see the "Amazing Americans" section of this Web site) became the richest man in the world because of his ownership of steel mills.

Today, Pittsburgh no longer dominates world steel production, but the nonprofit Rivers of Steel Corporation seeks to preserve the heritage of the area.

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