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Explore the States 賓夕法尼亞
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1979年以來,該鎮就會舉辦一個,充滿著遊行、競賽及食物的「超級週末」。原本,這個活動只為期一天,而且叫做同樂會,但自1986年,卻擴大成一個週末的慶祝活動。慶祝活動中的其中一個項目就是吃比薩比賽,參賽者必須用冷比薩(當地特產)塞滿他們的肚子!至於那些不想吃比薩的人,則可以參加其他競賽,如:同樂會鋪床大會(Funfest Bed Rally)及基本的消防員競賽。個人也可為他的烤雞翅,報名「翅膀烹飪大賽」。或許,有些年青人擁有足夠的勇氣,參加黑茲爾頓鎮的帥哥競賽,優勝者會被宣稱為黑茲爾頓鎮內最可愛的男人!

Does your town have an annual festival, just for fun? Hazleton, Pennsylvania, does.

Every year since 1979 the town has had a "Super Weekend" filled with parades, contests and food. Originally held only for one day and called "Funfest," the event was expanded into a weekend celebration in 1986. One of the festival's activities is a pizza-eating contest; contestants have to stuff themselves with cold pizza (a local specialty)! For people who don't want to eat pizza, there are other contests, like the Funfest Bed Rally and the first Fireman's Competition. Individuals may also enter their barbecued chicken wings in the "Wings Cook-Off." Or perhaps some young man is brave enough to enter Hazleton's Hunk Contest: the winner is declared the cutest guy in Hazleton!

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