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Explore the States 賓夕法尼亞
Photo of President Harry Truman signing with six people watching


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曾為奴隸的懷特少校(Major Richard Robert Wright Sr.)致力在爭取一個,歡慶所有美國人的自由的日子。重獲自由後,懷特成為費城的一位成功商人及社區領袖,他選擇2月1日為全國自由日,因為林肯總統於186521日當天,簽下了憲法第13條修正案,您知道第13條修正案的內容嗎?

對我們的書面律法而言,這條修正案是一項重要的改變,它裁定美國境內的所有奴隸事項都是違法行為。懷特召集了全國及當地的領袖,共同擬定一項法案,宣稱2月1日是全國自由日,而杜魯門總統(President Harry Truman)1948年簽署此一法案,使其成為法定節日。

What holiday is celebrated on February 1?

It's National Freedom Day. The purpose of this holiday is to promote good feelings, harmony, and equal opportunity among all citizens and to remember that the United States is a nation dedicated to the ideal of freedom.

Major Richard Robert Wright Sr., a former slave, fought to have a day when freedom for all Americans is celebrated. When Wright got his freedom, he went on to become a successful businessman and community leader in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Major Wright chose February 1 as National Freedom Day because it was the day in 1865 that President Lincoln signed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. Do you know what the 13th Amendment did?

This amendment, an important change to our written law, outlawed slavery in the United States. Wright gathered national and local leaders together to write a bill declaring February 1 "National Freedom Day" and President Harry Truman signed the bill in 1948 making it official.

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