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Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.


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就是於186371日至73日,發生於賓州南區的蓋茨堡戰役(Battle of Gettysburg)。這是李將軍(General Robert E. Lee)試圖入侵北方各州的最後一役。雖然聯邦軍隊打贏了這場戰役,但是這場史上傷亡最慘重的戰事,總共造成了51,000多位士兵死亡、受傷或被俘。

18631119日,在蓋茨堡國家墓園的揭幕儀式上,亞伯拉罕林肯總統(President Abraham Lincoln)發表了著名的演講:蓋茨堡演說(Gettysburg Address)。您以前也許聽過它有名的開頭內容:「87年前」(Four score and seven years ago)。蓋茨堡演說全文極短,總共不到300字,而且在當時的揭幕儀式上,它可能聽起來更短,因為林肯是在演說家愛維萊特(Edward Everett)之後致詞,而愛維萊特的演講足足有兩小時長。

林肯所發表的蓋茨堡演說中,其中一段內容如下:「我們絕不能讓先烈們的鮮血白流,要使我們這個國家在上帝的保佑下得到自由的新生,使這個民有、民治、民享的政府永世長存。」林肯演講中所指稱的士兵,並未明定為這些死於蓋茨堡戰爭中的將士們 。也許他要南部各州的人相信,他演講中所提到的戰亡將士包含了邦聯及聯邦士兵。此外, 他所呼籲的國家「自由的新生」,可能是在懇求南部各州,重新加入聯邦。

What was the most important battle in Pennsylvania during the Civil War?

It was the Battle of Gettysburg, which took place on July 1 through 3, 1863, in southern Pennsylvania. The battle was General Robert E. Lee's final attempt to invade the North. Even though the Union army won the battle, more than 51,000 soldiers were killed, wounded, or captured in the bloodiest battle of the entire war.

At the dedication ceremony of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg on November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous speech, the Gettysburg Address. You may have heard the famous opening words before: "Four score and seven years ago." The Gettysburg Address is a very short speech. It is less than 300 words, and it probably seemed even shorter at the time because Lincoln delivered his address after a two-hour speech by orator Edward Everett.

At one point in the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln says: "We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Lincoln is unclear when he talks about the soldiers who died during the Battle of Gettysburg. Perhaps he wanted Southerners to believe he was including the Confederate as well as the Union soldiers. By calling for a "new birth of freedom" for the nation, Lincoln may have been asking the South to rejoin the union.

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