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Explore the States 奧克拉荷馬
Photo of May Manning Lillie on a horse
波尼比爾的西部蠻荒秀內的表演者:梅曼妮利利(May Manning Lillie)1890年左右

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波尼(Pawnee): 西部的遺跡

一個名叫喬登利利(Gordon Lillie)的人是如何被叫作波尼比爾(Pawnee Bill)?

生於1860年,原名喬登利利的波尼比爾成長於伊利諾州。喬登15歲時,搬到了奧克拉荷馬州的波尼。他任職老師,負責教導住在那裡的波尼族印第安人,而這些印地安人就幫他取了一個綽號,稱呼他為「波尼比爾」。因為喬登是如此的熱愛老西部(Old West)歷史,所以1883年時,波尼比爾放下教鞭,加入了新興的野牛比爾的西大荒演出(Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show),其演出以精彩的動作表演作為號召,如:獵北美野牛。(請點選「會見傳奇人物(Amazing Americans),裡面有更多關於野牛比爾的相關資料)。

當波尼比爾在野牛比爾的西大荒演出表演時,他遇到了一位名為梅曼妮(May Manning)的女子。相遇後不久,梅就嫁給了波尼比爾並改名為梅曼妮利利(May Manning Lillie)。然後這一對夫婦就展開了他們自己的西部蠻族秀;有了明星表演者:梅,波尼比爾的西部蠻荒秀(Pawnee Bill's Wild West Show)大受歡迎。時至今日,奧克拉荷馬 州波尼鎮上的波尼比爾的野牛牧場仍會重現這場表演,藉以娛樂數以千計的人們。

How did someone named Gordon Lillie come to be called Pawnee Bill?

Pawnee Bill was born Gordon Lillie in 1860 and raised in Illinois. When Gordon was 15, he moved to Pawnee, Oklahoma. He became a teacher to the Pawnee Indians who lived there and they gave him the nickname "Pawnee Bill." Because he loved the history of the Old West so much, in 1883, Pawnee Bill left teaching to join the new Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, which featured exciting acts such as a bison hunt. (You can learn more about Buffalo Bill in the "Amazing Americans" section of this Web site.)

While Pawnee Bill was performing in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, he met a woman named May Manning. Soon after they met, May married Pawnee Bill and became May Manning Lillie. Then the couple started their own Wild West show, with May as one of its star performers. Pawnee Bill's Wild West Show was so popular that today it is still re-created at Pawnee Bill's Buffalo Ranch in the town of Pawnee, Oklahoma, for thousands of people to enjoy.

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