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Explore the States 奧克拉荷馬
Photo of an Indian representing Chief Magpie at a burial ceremony at Washita
一名扮演喜鵲酋長(Chief Magpie)的印地安人出席沃希托戰場(Washita Battlefield)的葬禮1930


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您聽過沃希托之戰(Battle of Washita)

您可以在奧克拉荷馬的沃希托戰場國家歷史遺址(Washita Battlefield National Historic Site)得知更多詳細資料;這個重要的遺址可以幫助我們記住發生在大平原上的印地安人及美國軍隊之間的暴力衝突。


在內戰之前及過後的許多年,美國政府試著將印地安人移往印地安地區(Indian Territory:現在的奧克拉荷馬)。有些平原印地安人同意遷居保留區,但其他人則不願意,如:夏安族人、凱歐瓦族人及卡曼其族人(Comanche)。他們仍繼續生活在這片草原上並在印地安地區外的傳統土地上進行狩獵工作。內戰之後,殖民者想要移居此地,攻擊因此開始。

1868 1127日清晨,出乎夏安族領袖黑壺酋長(Black Kettle)的預期,陸軍上尉喬治庫斯特(George Custer)對一座位於沃希托河谷(Washita Valley)內,尚在沈睡的夏安族村落發動攻擊,許多平原印第安人被捕或死於此次戰役中。此時住在黑壺村中的年少酋長喜鵲(Magpie)射殺了一名士兵並奪下他騎乘的馬,然後飛奔脫身。他倖存了下來並於1876年著名的小大角戰役(Battle of Little Bighorn)中再戰庫斯特

Have you ever heard of the Battle of Washita?

You can learn about this famous battle at the Washita Battlefield National Historic Site in Oklahoma. This site is important because it helps us remember the violent conflict between Indians of the Great Plains and the United States Army.

The Great Plains include the land from the Canadian border south to the New Mexico and Texas borders, and from the Missouri River west to the Rocky Mountains. The Indian tribes from this area -- the Plains Indians -- include the Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Kiowa. The Army fought these tribes because they wanted to gain control over the Great Plains.

For many years before and after the Civil War, the U.S. government tried to move Indians to an Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma). Some Plains Indians agreed to move to reservations but others, like the Cheyennes, Kiowas, and Comanches, did not. Instead, they continued to live and hunt on traditional lands outside the Indian Territory. After the Civil War, settlers wanted to move into this land, so they attacked.

At dawn on November 27, 1868, Lieutenant Colonel George Custer attacked a sleeping Cheyenne village in the Washita Valley, surprising the Cheyenne's leader, Chief Black Kettle. Many Plains Indians were captured or killed during this battle. Chief Magpie, a teenager at the time who lived in Black Kettle's village, shot a soldier and took his horse, then rode off to safety. He lived to fight Custer again at the famous Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876.

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