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Explore the States 奧克拉荷馬
Photo of the Route 66 Museum exterior


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克林頓鎮(Clinton)66號公路博物館(Route 66 Museum)


建於1932年的66號公路起自伊利諾州的芝加哥,終於加州的洛杉磯,總長2,400哩,又名「承諾之地」(Promised Land)。它不同於其他公路的原因在於它並非是一條直線道路,而是一條對角線公路。這種設計是為了方便小鎮取道主要道路,好讓農夫可以運送穀物及農產品。這條兩線道公路行經美國境內八州且跨越三個時區。

大蕭條時間,66號公路是奧克拉荷馬及塵盆到加州及較佳生活的主要道路,所以它又名「機會大道」。作家約翰史坦貝克(John Steinbeck)在其經典著作「憤怒的葡萄」(The Grapes of Wrath)中,將66號公路稱做「母親公路」(Mother Road)

66號公路博物館座落於奧克拉荷馬的克林頓鎮,因為奧克拉荷馬境內的66號公路長達400英里;許多藝術家都曾錄製過「在66號公路上找你的樂子」(Get Your Kicks on Route 66)一歌,您聽過這首歌嗎?

Why would a museum be dedicated to a highway? Because Route 66 is no ordinary highway.

Route 66 was built in 1932 and it runs from Chicago, Illinois, to Los Angeles, California, then known as the "Promised Land." That's 2,400 miles of road! It is different from most other highways because it takes a diagonal course instead of going in a straight line. It was designed this way so that small towns would have access to main roads, giving farmers the ability to transport grain and produce. This two-lane road passes through eight states and three time zones.

During the Great Depression, Route 66 was the road from Oklahoma and the Dust Bowl to California and a better life, so it became known as the "road to opportunity." Author John Steinbeck wrote about Route 66 in his classic The Grapes of Wrath, calling it the "Mother Road."

The Route 66 Museum was built in Clinton, Oklahoma, because Route 66 passes through 400 miles of Oklahoma. Dozens of artists have recorded the song "(Get Your Kicks on) Route 66." Have you ever heard it?

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