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Explore the States 奧克拉荷馬
Photo of boy decorating a float

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返校節就是學校的校友(已經畢業的學生)回校慶祝的節日。每一年,所有曾就讀於斯蒂爾沃特(Stillwater)的奧克拉荷馬州立大學(Oklahoma State University)的人,都被受邀出席一場名為返校節的特別週末盛會。其中一項人們引頸盼望的大事就是返校節遊行,因為遊行中有許多有趣且獨特的花車。



What is a homecoming? If you think it refers to returning home, in a way, you would be right.

A homecoming is when a school's alumni (students who have graduated) return for a celebration. Every year, people who attended Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma, are invited to a special event-filled weekend called homecoming. One of the big events that people look forward to is the homecoming parade, because it has many colorful and unusual floats.

Usually a float is built on top of a flatbed trailer used for transporting materials. The trailer is covered with colorful material and fringe so its wheels are hidden and the trailer appears to "float." Then the float can be decorated with just about anything.

Many floats are in the form of animals. Floats are made by bending chicken wire into a shape, perhaps an animal, and then attaching colored paper "flowers" to the wire. Part of the process of building a float involves "pomping" -- the stuffing of crepe paper or other decorations into the wire frame of the float to make it look like whatever it was designed to be.

Can you think of a cool float design?

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