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Photo of young dancers in costume at the Oklahoma Czech Festival

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最廣為流傳的捷克斯拉夫食物就是一種叫做kolache (發音方式為koh-lah-chuh)的酥皮點心。kolache 是一種美味的小圓糕點,裡面通常放有水果或起士。在捷克共和國與斯洛伐克國內,婚宴上若沒有放上kolache,就稱不上是一場完美的婚禮。有一個名叫費亞拿(Maria Fiala)的婦女為了節慶總共烘培了600打的kolache,因而被人稱做Kolache女王。


Have you ever eaten a kolache?

If you go to Yukon, Oklahoma, on the first Saturday in October, you can. Every year, Yukon celebrates its Czech and Slovak ancestors. Yukon is officially known as the Czechoslovak Capital of Oklahoma because so many people from the country of Czechoslovakia, in Eastern Europe, settled there in the late 1800s. (In 1993, the country split into two nations, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.)

The most popular food from Czechoslovakia is a pastry called a kolache (pronounced koh-lah-chuh). A kolache is a delicious, small bun usually filled with fruit or cheese. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, no wedding feast is complete without them. One woman, Maria Fiala, baked 600 dozen kolache for the festival and was named Kolache Queen.

The Czech Festival is a way for the people in Yukon with Czech and Slovak backgrounds to preserve and share their Czech customs, clothing, and foods. One of the main attractions of the festival is dancing. Lots of dance performances are held, and people of all ages, like these kids in the beautiful costumes, are encouraged to join in. If you aren't Czech or Slovak, the festival is a great way to learn about their customs.

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