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Photo of two Shawnee warriors riding horseback

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Xenia),您可能看過一齣室外的戲劇表演,它展示了1700年代晚期,俄亥俄河谷區域的生活型態,當時不停將邊界向前推進的拓荒者正與蕭尼族印地安人(Shawnee Indian)交戰中,因為這些印地安人希望這片土地能停留在無所有權狀態。蕭尼族人深信土地是神聖的,他們不擁有土地,只願善用土地。他們也深信,當他們死後,會成為土地的一部分。這個信仰最終導致他們與白人之間的衝突。

這齣戲的內容是關於蕭尼族酋長藍夾克的生平,主要是在描述一位由蕭尼人收養、名叫史瓦金(Marmaduke Van Swearingen)的白人。因為他身穿藍色的狩獵夾克,所以它被蕭尼人稱為:Wey-yah-pih-ehr-sehn-weh,即藍夾克之意。在這齣戲中,印地安人的生活方式對藍夾克深具吸引力,所以他依照蕭尼人的方式過活,與其他的蕭尼人同住,而且與白人交戰。最後,藍夾克被取名為蕭尼國的戰爭酋長(War Chief of the Shawnee Nation)



If you were to visit Xenia, Ohio, you could see an outdoor drama production that shows the Ohio Valley area as it was in the late 1700s, when advancing frontiersmen fought the Shawnee Indians who wanted the land to remain free of ownership. The Shawnee strongly believed that the earth was sacred, that they did not own the land, but simply took care of it. When they died, they believed that they became a part of it. This belief eventually led to conflict with the white man.

The drama is about the life of Shawnee Chief Blue Jacket, portrayed as a white man named Marmaduke Van Swearingen, who was adopted by the Shawnee Indians. Because of the blue hunting jacket he wore, he was given the Shawnee name Wey-yah-pih-ehr-sehn-weh, or Blue Jacket. In the drama, Blue Jacket is attracted to the Indian way of life, lives his life as a Shawnee, and, together with the other Shawnee Indians, fought the white man over land. Ultimately, Blue Jacket was named War Chief of the Shawnee Nation.

Some people doubt the accuracy of the Blue Jacket story, including family members of Chief Blue Jacket, who say he was a Shawnee Indian, not a white man.

Can you think of other history stories that people disagree about?

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