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Photo of the first Dayton Christmas trolley, 1967

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這部電車是於1880年代早期,由德國發明的,它被稱做「無軌電車」(trackless trolley)、「電車公車」(trolley coach)、「電車巴士」(trolley bus),最後以「電車」(electric trolley bus)定名。有軌電車靠電力馬達推進,而它的電力來源則取自於上頭的電線網絡。它們與公車一樣大,以四個橡膠輪子著地,駕駛方式與公車無異,行進時幾乎沒有任何聲響,而且不會製造任何煙霧或空氣污染。

1888年時,白線電路鐵道(White Line Electric Railway)開始在德通市的市中心設站行駛,到了1910年時,已經有五家公司在該市鋪設其他的路線,直到1930年代早期,電車仍是市內主要的運輸工具。1932年的一場大火過後,德通市街道鐵軌公司(Dayton Street Rail Road Company)以新的電車(ETBs)取代了所有的受損電車,而這些ETBs1933423日起開始運行,延續德通市的電車傳統。

Why are there reindeer on top of that trolley car?

That's the Christmas Trolley in Dayton, Ohio, one of only a few cities in the United States that still operates an electric trolley bus system for its mass transportation.

The trolley, invented in Germany in the early 1880s, was called the "trackless trolley," "trolley coach," "trolley bus" and eventually the "electric trolley bus." Trolley buses are propelled (moved forward) by electric motors and receive power from an overhead wire system. They are full-size buses that run on rubber tires and are steered just like other buses. They operate almost silently and produce no smoke or pollution.

In 1888, the White Line Electric Railway began running a route in downtown Dayton and, by 1910, five separate companies had built other lines. The trolley remained the primary mode of city transportation until the early 1930s. After a fire in 1932, the Dayton Street Rail Road Company replaced its destroyed trolley cars with electronic trolley buses (ETBs). These ETBs, which began running on April 23, 1933, continued the trolley legacy in Dayton.

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